Here's the deal. I ADORE blogs. They are the best! It's so fun reading about what people are into, the
hi jinks of their children, seeing the newest cute fashions & deals people have found, and just finding inspiration in all areas. Even though blog authors may never meet in real life, real friendships are formed among daily posts. I can't live without my daily fix, and I love finding new blogs to, I mean, read.
However, I absolutely DESPISE
Facebook. I'm with Betty seems like a complete waste of time. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm on there. Twice, actually, because I use one account solely for coupons! My main account, though, is full of "friends", who are actually NOT my friends at all. They are people I didn't really know from my hometown and people I never liked in high school & college. I'm just too polite not to accept their friend requests! Combine that with the
occasional snarky comment from these so-called "friends", and I just don't get it. I'd much rather read fun blogs that give you insight into people's lives and interests instead of reading random, cryptic status updates. Now,
Facebook is in trouble with privacy issues....namely, lack of privacy. My hope is that everyone that I actually care about will abandon
FakeBook and move to the happy world of